All posts by admin

Available Opportunities

Winds of Peace Foundation (WPF) continues to make available the opportunity for partners to learn basic techniques of business literacy and ownership characteristics to enhance their own entrepreneurial endeavors.

Open Book Management and Employee Ownership Transformation are well-demonstrated techniques for enterprise development that can be a big help to people who are trying to learn how to stay afloat.

Nicaragua Field Visit

*Mark and Steve will be visiting with current and prospective partners again during the first week of August, prior to the Fall funding cycle.  Specifically, they’ll be interested in connecting with some of the Indigenous communities and women’s groups with whom WPF works.  The effects of the current economic crisis is of particular concern.

One Couple’s Gift

One Couple's GiftOne Couple’s Gift, by Steve Swanson, is the chronicle of Harold and Louise Nielsen’s awakening to the needs of the world’s poor and how they sought to make a difference.

The book covers their lives in creating Foldcraft Co. and their subsequent commitment to using their own resources for the benefit of others.  You can get the book at

In May of 2009, the Kenyon Leader newspaper published a story on the book in an article titled ‘One Couple’s Gift’ is giving.