Day after day, I have hesitated to write here because the onslaught of news has kept me off-balance. There have been few times in my life when the matters of politics, social upheaval, public health and dysfunctional economics have all come together with such overwhelming force. Every one of the issues is daunting. Facing them … Continue reading Out of Balance
When a man acts, he pronounces himself to the world. When a man who has become a leader enriches himself and his family at the expense of his followers, he is a syphon; When a man speaks words that betray reality, he is a liar; When a man sees himself as the only answer to … Continue reading When A Man
“Free, only want to be free, We huddle close, Hang on to a dream.” –America by Neil Diamond There’s no shortage of patriotic music today, July 4. From God Bless America sung by Kate Smith to America by Simon and Garfunkle, America the Beautiful by Ray Charles, God Bless the USA by Lee Greenwood, I’ve heard songs all day … Continue reading They’re Coming to America
It is a well-known fact that within the many cultures which have existed throughout history, tales have emerged which have attempted to teach us the “way to live.” Aesop shared his fables, Hans Christian Andersen told his fairy tales, the Brothers Grimm wove their grim yarns and Dr. Seuss rhymed his most passionate views so … Continue reading All of Nothing
Breaking the curse of the rule of the minority over the majority René Mendoza Vidaurre[1] Finding the way A frog moved nervously on the shore of the Rio Tuma. Suddenly, a coati appeared looking for fruit to lunch on. “What´s going on, cowardly frog?” he asked with some mockery without even looking at her. “Uncle … Continue reading Breaking the curse of the rule of the minority over the majority
Articulation between representative and participatory democracy from the perspective of rural communities who organize. René Mendoza Vidaurre[1] Being plugged in “How can I live more than 90 years,” Claudio asked himself on seeing his friend die at the age of 93. His question echoed in the universe and his ancestors came to him in his … Continue reading Articulation between representative and participatory democracy from the perspective of rural communities who organize.
Building community clusters based on coffee René Mendoza Vidaurre [1] Con Freddy Pérez, Noelia Falcón, Axel Zelaya, Yesenia Hernández and Yeiling Hernández [2] Be prepared – “I already sold my coffee, or better said, badly sold it,” said Chepe throwing down the baskets and sacks – “What? Again? You pay them to screw you,” reacted … Continue reading Building community clusters based on coffee
An awakening, a dare and what is distinctive about reinventing a cooperative René Mendoza Vidaurre[1] The how Claudio migrated to El Salvador in search of work. The farmer in El Salvador, while chatting, realized that Claudio has 50 acres of land in his own country, Nicaragua. At times he would tease him about this, “hey … Continue reading An awakening, a dare and what is distinctive about reinventing a cooperative
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